Lemon sole grenobloise


This lemon sole recipe is Geoffrey Smeddle’s simple take on lemon sole grenobloise, developed as part of a cooking campaign with the Sunday Herald. Grenobloise loosely means served with a sauce of browned butter, capers, parsley and lemon. If you are using the whole sole for this seafood recipe, ask your local fishmonger to remove the black skin, leaving the white skin on, and to remove the head.

Type: Main

Serves: 4



  • 4 lemon sole, whole
  • 140g of unsalted butter
  • 3 slices of white bread
  • 3 tbsp of mini capers
  • 2 tbsp of parsley, chopped
  • 1 lemon
  • salt
  • vegetable oil


Step 1.

 Rinse the lemon sole well with cold water, dab dry on paper towel and store in the fridge, covered with clingfilm


  • 4 lemon sole
Step 2.

 Prepare the garnish. Drain the capers and chop the parsley then set these aside


  • 3 tbsp of mini capers
  • 2 tbsp of parsley
Step 3.

 For the croutons, remove the crusts from the bread then cut the bread into 5mm cubes. Fry these in hot, foaming butter until golden brown all over then drain on kitchen paper


  • 3 slices of white bread
  • 100g of unsalted butter
Step 4.

Season lightly with salt then transfer to a clean paper towel


  • salt
Step 5.

Heat a non-stick pan for the sole, which you will need to cook in batches. When the pan is hot add a layer of oil. Season each fish just before you cook it. Place the first sole in the pan with the white skin facing up


  • vegetable oil
  • salt
Step 6.

Cook for three minutes, checking the temperature of the pan is hot but not spitting. Check the cooked side of the fish is golden brown then turn over and reduce the heat

Step 7.

After one minute add a knob of butter and baste it over the fish. Keep basting for a minute then turn off the heat, lift the fish on to a warm plate and cover it with tin foil


  • 20g of unsalted butter
Step 8.

Put a small sieve over a pan and pass the juices and butter from the frying pan into the pan. Repeat until all four fish are cooked

Step 9.

Clean the pan used for cooking the fish, and re-heat it over a good heat. Add the remaining butter, letting it foam and turn nut brown


  • 20g of unsalted butter
Step 10.

Add the croutons and a squeeze of lemon juice, squeezing some over each fish too


  • 1 lemon, juiced
Step 11.

Add the parsley and capers then spoon the mix evenly over the lemon sole, adding some of the sieved butter if you wish. Serve at once


The Peat Inn
Peat Inn, Near St. Andrews
Fife, Scotland
KY15 5LH


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      Fri and  Sat (Lunch)
       12.00pm - 1.30pm

Tue - Sat (Dinner)
6.00pm - 9.00pm

We politely ask that children are 7 years old or above to dine in the restaurant in the evening 

Tue - Sat
9am - 7pm

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